Part 1 : The Goodbye At The Beginning Of The End
Meanwhile, a great city was falling apart. Unbeknownst to it- it was, in fact, moments away from nihilation.
At first, its people suffocated from the dust that spewed from its rapidly tumbling towers that had long been weakened by desire and envy. Then- the very earth on which it stood- ruptured at every fault line present within its boundaries, spewing magma- like a disinfectant to cauterise wounds inflicted by the commission of dishonesty and deception of her dwellers. And before anyone had an inkling of the occurring and its why’s, the city was subsumed by a monstrous tidal wave- high on vendetta-whiplashing bloated egos and decimating everything- perceptible and imperceptible- in its wake. In a matter of minutes, a most meticulous annihilation was carried out- it was, as if- neither the city nor its people ever existed- and the land that was once procured from the sea, had forcefully taken it back by it.
The event that befell this, once, heavily gated, and guarded gateway to the heavens or Dwarka- was attributed to the outcome of a post-war malediction on its tutelar Lord that sowed the seeds of its anarchic end- germinating when his people reached the nadir of their moral frailties.
The Lord had had his people forewarned to the eventuality as multiple portends materialised in the penultimate years. For…